SOP for Operation of Manual Titrator

To set up a general guideline for the operation and calibration of Manual Titrator.

This SOP is applicable for operation and calibration of Manual Titrator, 876 Dosimat plus (Instrument ID: QC/165).

3.1 Operating personnel is responsible for carrying out the procedure.
3.2 Overall responsibility for training, implementation & follow-up with the QC Manager or his nominee.

4.1 Head of Quality.

5.1 There are no parts inside the housing of the instrument which can be serviced or replaced by the user.
5.2 Always pull the main cable out of the mains connection socket before connecting or disconnecting electrical appliance on the rear panel of the instrument.
5.3 All relevant safety measures are to be observed when working with flammable solvents and chemicals.
5.4 Keep all sources of flame far from the work place.
5.5 Clean up spilled fluids and solids immediately.
5.6 Follow the safety instruction of the chemical manufacturer.

6.1 Operation
6.1.1 Press the red (Fill) Key and wait until main dialog is displayed.
6.1.2 If burette unit has been changed, a message will be shown on screen. Confirm the message by pressing (OK) key.
6.1.3 Select method and press (OK) key.
6.1.4 Select (New) and press (OK) key.
6.1.5 Select DOS/XDOS (DOS is for manual dosing/XDOS is for fixed volume dosing)
6.1.6 Individual parameter can be modified under (Menu)→Parameters.
6.1.7 Method is to be saved by pressing the following keys :(Method)-(OK)-(Store)-(OK)-(Back)-(OK)-(Apply the name)-(Accept)-(Back).
6.1.8 Saved method can be loaded by pressing the following keys :(Method)-(OK)-(Load)-(OK)-(Select the method)-(OK).
6.1.9 After selecting method machine is ready and titration can be started by using (GO) key.
6.1.10 After completion of titration press (Fill) key.
6.1.11 Data can be printed by:Menu-print reports-results-OK.
6.2 Calibration
6.2.1 Take water into the exchange unit
6.2.2 Prepare the exchange unit
6.2.3 Select the XDOS mode.
6.2.4 Take a container with cap and tare the weight on a balance of 4/5 digit.
6.2.5 Dispense 0.1 ml of water into the container and airtight it with the cap.
6.2.6 Take the weight of water by placing the container on the balance.
6.2.7 Sequentially take weight of water for dispense volume of 0.5, 1.0, 5.0, 10.0 & 15.0 ml.
6.2.8 Make all the weights of water in to volume (Calculated Volume) by dividing these with specific gravity.
6.2.9 Measure the temperature of water with a calibrated thermometer and find the specific gravity of water from a list of temperature dependent specific gravity.
6.2.10 Calculate % Variation by the following formula.

(D-C) x 100
%Variation =

D = Dispensed Volume
C = Calculated Volume

6.2.11 Acceptance criteria: %Variation should be ± 1.0%.
6.2.12 Again dispense 5 ml of water for five times and take weight in 4/5 digit balance.
6.2.13 Convert all weights of water into volume by dividing with specific gravity.
6.2.14 Calculate %RSD of these five calculated volume.
6.2.15 Acceptance criteria: %RSD should not more than 2.0%.
6.2.16 Input all data in the calibration report form as per Annexure-I.
6.2.17 Frequency: Three Months + 10 days.

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