SOP for Calibration of Thermostatically controlled water bath

1.0 OBJECTIVE : To set up a procedure for the calibration of Thermostatically controlled water bath.

2.0 SCOPE : This SOP is applicable for calibration of Thermostatically controlled water bath in Quality Control Department of (Company Name).

3.1 QC Officer/Analyst shall carry out the activity as per procedure.
3.2 Overall responsibility for training, implementation & follow-up with the QC Manager or his./ her nominee.

4.1 Head of Quality.

5.1 Ensure proper earthing.
5.2 Ensure 230 volts AC stabilized power supply to the system.
5.3 Do not change the internal parameters of the controller, which might change the calibration.
5.4 Do not keep the Thermostatically controlled water bath in high temperature area.

6.1 Data Logger / Certified calibrator (Calibrated temperature indicator) is used to perform the calibration.
6.2 Make sure that the Thermostatically controlled water bath is off. Open the validation port at the right side of the Thermostatically controlled water bath. Insert the eight temperature probe of the calibrator through this port into the Thermostatically controlled water bath.
6.3 Connect the calibrator to the mains. Close the port.
6.4 Keep a printer near the calibrator (It is recommended to use LX-300 Epson Dot Matrix printer). Connect the printer with the calibrator. Set papers as much as required. onnect the printer to power supply.
6.5 Connect the Thermostatically controlled water bath to the mains.
6.6 Turn ON the switch of the Thermostatically controlled water bath located on the upper right hand side of the instrument.
6.7 Set 55ºC temperature by pressing increment key () [to increase the temperature] or decrement key () [to decrease the temperature].
6.8 Allow sufficient time to reach the desired set temperature. When the temperature is reached to the desired level, switch on the calibrator.
6.9 Record the readings for the calibrator for about two hours.
6.10 Print the data. Keep the records of calibration with printout as per Annexure-I.
6.11 Affix a approved calibration sticker on the door of the instrument.
6.12 Acceptance Limit: Set Temperature ± 1°C.
6.13 Frequency of Calibration: One year ± 15 days.

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