SOP for Glassware management

Objective: To describe the procedure for receiving, handling, inspection and storage of glassware, used for analysis in Quality control laboratory.

Scope: This procedure is applicable for all types of glassware (e.g. volumetric flask, pipette, conical flask, measuring cylinder etc) purchased and used for analytical purpose in QC lab of (Company Name).

1. QC Analyst/ Officer shall be responsible to perform the activity as per procedure.
2. Sr. Officer /Officer, QC shall be responsible to ensure proper and timely execution of procedure.
3. Manager/ Asst. Manager, QC shall be responsible for effective implementation and training of procedure.

1. Only calibrated glassware should be used for analysis purpose (Quantitative test).
2. During receiving glassware check carefully to ensure that no broken glassware is received.
3. Handle the glassware carefully to avoid breakage.

1. Glassware shall be procured only from the reliable and recognized source preferably from the authorized distributor of the manufacturer.
2. QC department will receive the delivery challan and glassware directly from supplier/manufacturer.
3. QC Analyst / Officer shall physically verify and cross check the items received against delivery challan.
4. Upon receiving new glassware check those critically as per check list Annexure – II (For Volumetric glassware) and Annexure-III (For Measuring cylinder and graduate pipette). In case of any broken glassware or not meeting with any of the checklist parameters should be returned to the supplier.
5. Any discrepancy shall be reported to the Manager QC or his/her nominee.
6. QC department shall send a copy of delivery challan signing by respective officer and QC Manager or his nominee to FSD department (Original copy) and to supplier (photocopy/Original Copy).
7. FSD department will verify the items against purchase order.
8. Laboratory attendant/analyst shall collect the glassware and transfer all glassware to analytical laboratory.
9. Designated QC Analyst / Officer will segregate glassware into two parts 1) volumetric glassware and 2) General glassware.
10. Designated QC Analyst/Officer will calibrate volumetric glassware as per procedure for Calibration of glassware (SOP No.: QC096). Glassware not satisfying calibration criteria shall stand “Rejected”. Any discrepancy shall be reported to the Manager QC.
11. Make necessary entries in Glassware Receipt and Issuance Register as per Annexure –I (FRM No.: FQC/038).
12. Transfer the glassware to glassware storage room. Store the glassware in separate rack according to their type and size.
13. While taking out the glassware from the stock, make necessary entries in Glassware Receipt and Issuance Register as per Annexure –I (FRM No.: FQC/038).
14. Sr. Officer/Officer QC shall check the physical stock of glassware in the last week of every three months.
15. Based on physical stock, Sr. Officer/Officer QC shall raise the requisition for glassware and submit it to the Manager QC for verification and approval by Head of quality.
16. After approval, the Sr. Officer/Officer QC shall forward the same to purchase department for further processing and one copy of the same shall be retained in QC department for record.

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