SOP for Operation of Vertical Autoclave

1.0 OBJECTIVE : To set up a general guideline for the operation and cleaning of Vertical Autoclave.

2.0 SCOPE : This SOP is applicable for the operation and cleaning of Vertical Autoclave which is used for decontamination/sterilization of disposed wastes (e.g. media, culture, used plastic Petri dish,) & contaminated glassware etc..

3.1 Operating personnel is responsible for carrying out the procedure.
3.2 Overall responsibility for training, implementation & follow-up with the QC Manager or his nominee.

4.1 Head of Quality

5.1 Under no circumstances, the lid should be unlocked as long as the pressure gauge shows some pressure.
5.2 Always use purified water in the autoclave.
5.3 Autoclave should not be turned ON unless the level of the water is well above the heaters.
5.4 Cheek the load configuration displayed wear by the autoclave for prepared loading with the autoclave. The maximum and minimum load is defined and is given bellow.
Minimum load.
i) 10 number of plastic plates with media
ii) 10 number of glass plates with media
iii) 05 number of glass bottles with media.

Maximum load.
i) 30 number of plastic plates with media
ii) 30 number of glass plates with media
iii) 20 number of glass bottles with broth media
iv) 55 numbers of Mac Courtney bottles and test tubes
v) 20 number of cryogenic tubes with media.

6.1 Operation
6.1.1 Connect the instrument to the mains.
6.1.2 Unscrew the locking bolt.
6.1.3 Press the paddle to lift the top lid of the unit. Move the top lid to the left side or right side.
6.1.4 Fill the unit with purified water up to stainless stand. Place the articles to be sterilized in the basket.
6.1.5 Place the top lid & tighten the all-locking bolts diagonally with equal pressure and close the steam release valve.
6.1.6 Put on the mains switch.
6.1.7 The temperature of the autoclave starts increasing from ambient to 121°C (default set of the safety valve).
6.1.8 When the pressure gauge will show the pressure around 5 psi releases the steam by operating the “Steam Release Valve” manually.
6.1.9 After the pressure gauge shows the 0 psi, close the “Steam Release Valve” and allow the pressure to be built inside the autoclave.
6.1.10 When the gauge shows the 15 psi, the working valve starts releasing the steam present inside the autoclave and thus it will control the pressure of the autoclave.
6.1.11 Note the time when the autoclave reaches to 121°C temperature and 15 psi pressure. Wait 30 minutes for the decontamination/ sterilization process to be completed.
6.1.12 After completion of the cycle, open the “Steam Release Valve” slowly so that the steam inside the autoclave will come out of it.
6.1.13 Open the top lid when the inside chamber cool down to 80° C, remove the sterilized/ decontaminated articles from the autoclave.
6.1.14 Record of operation and cleaning shall be kept in specific Log Book.
6.2 Cleaning
6.2.1 During cleaning ensure that the chamber is cool.
6.2.2 Clean the chamber with purified water.
6.2.3 Wash with detergent once a week
6.2.4 Clean outer surface and all parts of instrument carefully once in a month.

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