SOP for Handling of Returned Goods

To provide a procedure for handling of returned goods.

This procedure is applicable for receipt and storage of returned goods.

3.1 Head of Distribution/Depot Manager shall forward the returned finished goods to the manufacturing site.
3.2 Operator shall follow the laid down procedures.
3.3 Warehouse officer shall be responsible for performing the activities as per the procedure.
3.4 Warehouse in-charge shall be responsible for effective implementation of procedure.
3.5 Head of Production shall be responsible for redressing of returned finished goods. if any, as per directives of QA dept.
3.6 QA shall be responsible for monitoring implementation of the procedures.

4.1 Manager Warehouse

5.1 Ensure all relevant documents of returned goods prior to receive.
5.2 Return goods must be well addressed either it to be destroyed or reprocessed for use.
5.3 Use proper gowning at the time of redressing.
5.4 Expired return goods shall be destroyed in the plant only with due authorization from Unit Head and Head of Quality and records of destruction to be properly maintained.
5.5 Proper status label to be provided for the return goods.

6.1 After arrival of returned goods transport, Security personnel make necessary entries in the register log book and allow the vehicle to Warehouse with gate entry number.
6.2 Warehouse officer shall unload the returned goods on pallets and verify the goods details like product name, product code, batch number, pack size, batch quantity as mentioned in Invoice/Challan.
6.3 After completion of verification warehouse officer shall transfer the returned product to returned goods store under lock and key and inform to QA through ‘Returned Goods Note’ (FRM No.: FWH/023) for further action.
6.4 Manager, QA shall arrange to verify the reason for return/recall of the returned goods against Returned Goods Note’ and sign.
6.5 Based on the investigation, if Quality Assurance Personnel is of the opinion that the returned goods are not fit for redressing or expired goods, the same shall be destroyed after approval from Unit Head and Head of Quality.
6.6 Warehouse shall prepare ‘Destruction Note’ (FRM No.: FQA/034) and get the authorization from Unit Head and Head of Quality. Disposition of returned goods shall be carried out as per disposition procedure (SOP No.: WH032).
6.7 In case of physical damage of outer packing, redressing can be done only after investigation of QA. The outer packing to be repacked in Warehouse on a portable table and Off-line printing will be done in production floor. Quality Assurance Personnel shall monitor overall redressing of the product.
6.8 Record for issue of packaging material, overprinting and packaging shall be maintained and attached to the earlier batch record (BMR/BPR) along with the reason for redressing and authorization by QA Head.
6.9 After completion of returned goods redressing, warehouse officer shall forward the same to distribution dept. along with Invoice/ Challan.
6.10 Products recalled voluntarily or recalled, as per the directives from Drug Control Authorities the recalled products shall be handled depending upon the reason for product recall; they may be require to be destroyed or redressed.

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