SOP for General Safety

1.0 OBJECTIVE To provide guidelines for general safety.

2.0 SCOPE This procedure is applicable for all departments at (Company Name).

3.1 Representative of EHS/Representative of HR department shall be responsible to ensure safety in plant.
3.2 Concerned department Managers shall be responsible to provide safety appliance during work.
3.3 Manager EHS/General Manager HRA shall be responsible for effective implementation and training of procedure.

4.1 Manager EHS /General Manager HRA, Factory

5.1 Follow safety instructions carefully.

6.1 General Safety
6.1.1 Read safety directions and labels before you start to do any work.
6.1.2 Be familiar with the meaning of symbols and colour codes etc.
6.1.3 Do not walk through or across any operating plant unless you are authorized to do so.
6.1.4 Do not remove any sticker, notice, instruction, tag etc pasted at the workplace.
6.1.5 Never horseplay or distract others.
6.1.6 Do not walk on pipelines.
6.1.7 Do not drop or roll the gas cylinders.

6.2 Safe Work Method
6.2.1 Ask how to do new task before you attempt to perform it.
6.2.2 Do not operate any machine, vehicle or equipment unless you are authorized to do so.
6.2.3 Do not tamper with guards on machineries/equipments.
6.2.4 Do not try to repair defective electrical wiring yourself, report it to department Head.
6.2.5 Do not leave any machine/equipment unattended while in operation.
6.2.6 Use specific tools for the operation it is intended for.
6.2.7 Read the dials, graphs, scales, accurately and known action to be taken in case of any abnormality observed.
6.2.8 Do not work under products on a hoist, crain or forklift unless the loads are adequately supported by appropriate devices.

6.3 Chemical Safety
6.3.1 Ensure that each container is labeled with correct name of the chemical contained in it and take necessary precautions while handling them.
6.3.2 Read the container label carefully.
6.3.3 Do not handle the container if you are not sure about its contents.
6.3.4 Do not taste or inhale any chemicals.
6.3.5 Know the significance of different properties of the chemicals especially its flash point, flammable limits, toxicity etc.
6.3.6 Know safe storage, handling, fire fighting and first aid procedures for each chemical you are handling. Decontaminate the empty containers thoroughly after use.

6.4 Ergonomics
6.4.1 Avoid bent, twisted and extended postures.
6.4.2 Avoid zigzag movements.
6.4.3 Do not keep any one posture for prolonged time.
6.4.4 Keep the tools within easy grasp.
6.4.5 Use rhythmic movements.

6.5 Electrical Safety– Electrical Shock
6.5.1 Electrical current flows through nerves, muscles causing disturbance in their normal functions. It path is through the heart.
6.5.2 Person may fall from height as he may lose his balance on receiving a shock.
6.5.3 Person may be thrown away at the same level causing him bodily injury.
6.5.4 Electrical flashes cause burns if body part comes within flashing distance of a high voltage current.
6.5.5 Burns may cause due to short circuit also.
6.5.6 Short circuit may lead to electrical fires causing burns.

6.5.7 Do’s Only qualified persons should undertake electrical repairs. Treat all circuits as LIVE unless ensured after testing to be DEAD. Ensure the extension cord is free from cuts, damaged insulation, kinks or joints etc. Check that the pins of sockets are not loose. Ensure easy access to put off the supply. Use switches which clearly indicate “ON” or “OFF” and are of appropriate amperage. Frequently check the values of electrical parameters like voltage and amperage and ensure that they are appropriate. Get the equipments, circuit breakers etc. checked periodically by competent person. While using any portable electrical equipment ensure that it properly earthen, there is no leakage of current through the body of the equipment, cable is reinforced where it enters the plug, with stout rubber tubing and there is no strain on wires. Use work permits in areas of flammable atmosphere. Identify electrical hazards and report immediately. In case of short circuit or fire, put off the main switches immediately.

6.5.8 Don’ts Don’t have any unsafe temporary connections, naked joints/wiring. Don’t work wet on electrical equipments. Don’t use trial and error methods with electrical circuits. Fuses are saviors don’t tamper with them. Don’t replace a “Blown” fuse unless the fault is detected and rectified. Don’t just operate any switch unless you know the consequences. Don’t overload an electrical point. Don’t crowd things near electrical mains/switches. In case of lighting don’t stand beside or reset against tall structures. Don’t take short cuts. Follow safe procedures.

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