Solution of Tablet Defects

The tablet manufacturing process is a delicate process that should be followed properly and correctly to produce high-quality products. Unfortunately, a best-managed manufacturing process can also lead to tablet defects. Defects in tablets can occur at any stage of the manufacturing process but they generally occur at the compression and coating stage of manufacturing. Following are some solutions that can help to minimize the defects.

1. Use High-Quality Raw Material: The quality of the high-quality ingredients will ensure high-quality products. It is to make sure that all ingredients used in manufacturing are of good quality and passes the specifications.

2. Follow Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP): Keep to follow good manufacturing practices strictly will help to keep the defects away from the products. These GMP guidelines include the proper control and supervision of the manufacturing process and testing of the raw material and final product before they are released to the market.

3. Use Automated Systems: As we know automated systems are error-free so use of them can reduce the possibility of any human error. They are faster than humans to save time and money.

4. Use of Quality Control Measures: Quality control checks at different stages can help to identify the problems at early stages before they affect product quality.

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