Tablet defects

Tablet defects are one of the most common manufacturing problems. They can occur at any stage of tablet production, from raw material procurement to final packaging and distribution. Defects can also be caused by human error, equipment failure, or environmental factors such as humidity or temperature. In this article, we will focus on errors that occur during pharmaceutical manufacturing – a process that is critical to ensuring safe and effective drugs.

Every day, pharmaceutical manufacturers pack millions of tablets on production lines. But every now and then, a tablet slips through the cracks and into the hands of patients. As a result, pharmaceutical companies are constantly working to prevent defects from making their way into products.

Tablet defects can come in all shapes and sizes. For example, they can be caused by problems in the manufacturing process, such as misaligned machines or incorrect parts. Or they can be caused by human error, such as a worker who drops a tablet package on the floor.

Regardless of the cause, tablet errors can have serious consequences for patients. For example, defective tablets may not dissolve properly in water, which can cause nausea or vomiting in patients taking the prescription drug. And defective tablets that dissolve can release harmful ingredients too slowly or too quickly, which can cause serious side effects.

To avoid these problems, pharmaceutical companies take several steps throughout the manufacturing process. For example, they use automated systems to check packages for defects before they go out the door. They often test small batches of products before releasing them to the market to minimize the chance of defects causing serious damage.

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