Checking of air flow and calculation of air changes

Objective: To establish a standard procedure for checking the air velocity.

Scope: This SOP is applicable for checking the air velocity in the rooms catered by the HVAC system of (Company Name).

1. Maintenance Engineer shall be responsible to follow the procedure strictly.
2. Supervisor shall be responsible to ensure that the SOP is followed properly.

Precautions: Concerned personnel should be trained on the SOP.

=>> Ensure that the Pre filters are Cleaned and installed properly.
=>> Ensure that the Line Dampers are open.
=>> Ensure that Blower is “ON” and rotating in the direction to deliver the air.
=>> Carry out the following steps for the air velocity measurement with Anemometer:
=>> Ensure the Anemometer is calibrated; check the Certificate of Calibration to Ensure the Traceability as per the Standards in the Certificate.
=>> Hold the anemometer’s sensor probe / fan near supply grill at selected point at distance of 4”- 6” from the grill face to get turbulent free air flow.
=>> Hold the Anemometer till the Reading on the display is constant.
=>> Take the readings at five Locations of the air Outlet.
=>> Note the Readings and calculate the mean Reading.
=>> Measure the air velocity at each supply grille / Terminal filter grill.
=>> Calculate the filter / grille area in sq.ft.
=>> Multiply the mean reading of the Velocity with filter / grill Area to calculate CFM through the grill.
=>> Add CFM through all the grilles of the single area.
=>> Calculate Volume of the Area in Cub Ft by measuring Length, Width and Height in Feet.
=>> Calculate air changes per hour with following formula:
Total C.F.M. x 60
Air Changes per Hour = —————————
Room Volume in cubic feet

=>> For measuring the Air flow with the help of Flow Hood, follow SOP No.: EG093-00. After taking all the data, calculate the Air Change per Hour (ACH) with the following formula:

ACH = Total air flow in Liter/sec x 3600 / (Total volume of the roomsx1000)

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