Rapid mixer granulator is widely used equipment in pharmaceutical manufacturing. It is used to mix pharmaceutical ingredients and form granules before compression and is also called high shear mixer. Impellers and choppers are mainly responsible for wet granulation in rapid mixer granulators.
Impeller: Impellers are fixed at the bottom of the dome-shaped stainless steel bowl. It has two full-length and two half-length blades. These impellers are designed in such a way that short blades lift the material and full-length blades push the material to mix it well. These impellers break up the wet mass into small pieces and granules.
Choppers: These are specially designed small blades located under the dome. It rotates at high speed (1440/2880) RPM for smooth and uniform grinding. The chopper cuts the wet lumps of material into smaller pieces which are evenly mixed by the impeller and its speed is responsible for the size of the granules. If the impeller speed is high (above 200 RPM) the chopper has no significant effect on particle size.
Discharge Port: A discharge port is located horizontally under the dome. Granules are unloaded into the container through the discharge port. The opening of the discharge port is operated by a compressed air controlled cylinder known as a pneumatic cylinder which requires a compressed air pressure of 3-5 kg/cm2.