For the past few years IQVIA data has seen the top four brands belong to the anti-ulcerant or anti-gastric group, while previously the top brands were usually from the antibiotic group. Currently, these top four anti-ulcerants sell over Tk 2100 crore in the annual Bangladesh pharma market of Tk 30,000 crore. Most of which people are consuming without prescription. And in the case of many people, the doctor has prescribed such medicine for a few days, but the patient continues to take it indefinitely.
Let’s know what can actually be harmed by taking these anti-ulcerant or anti-gastric drugs for a long time. According to the National Institutes of Health (NSH); Taking these drugs of PPI group for more than three consecutive months reduces the amount of magnesium in the body, which reduces the absorption of calcium in the blood and can lead to osteoporosis or bone fractures.
In addition, long-term suppression of stomach acid can prevent proper absorption of vitamin B-12 into the blood, leading to anemia (iron deficiency), nerve damage, and dementia.
Long-term use of anti-gastric drugs multiplies the risk of CKD or chronic kidney disease, and studies have even shown that long-term use of PPIs can lead to kidney stones and, in some cases, acute interstitial nephritis (swelling of the inside of the kidney).
And those who take clopidogrel as a blood thinner to avoid unwanted heart attack, clopidogrel and PPI take PPI together for several months but the effectiveness of clopidogrel decreases. Which greatly increases the risk of heart attack.
Stomach acid protects us from various germs. But taking PPIs or gastric antagonists for more than a month increases the risk of various infections, mainly community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) and Clostridium difficile associated diarrhea.
Also, taking such medicines for more than three to six months can cause stomach cancer.
Now the question may come, how can we control our acidity? If we follow some simple rules then we can control acidity to a large extent without drugs
1. Avoid fried foods
2. Eating at the same time every day
3. Do not use too many spices in food
4. get enough sleep
5. Do not stress or worry unnecessarily
6. Drink enough water
7. Exercise regularly
8. Eating dinner at least two hours before bedtime