1. Clear and concise titles should be used for headings, tables, graphs, etc.
2. Pages in the master document should be numbered as X of Y.
3. Full-text spelling with the abbreviation in brackets should be used for the first time. The abbreviation may be used in place of full-text spelling in the remainder of the document.
4. All documents should have the signature and date of the person who prepared the document, reviewed the document and approved the document.
5. All master documents should have an effective date, approval date, and current version number.
6. Respective SOPs should be followed while preparing the documents.
7. Words that everyone can understand should be used. Unfamiliar words reduce the reader’s understanding of what is written. Definitions of abbreviations should always be included in the document for reference. This is most effectively done by including the definitions in a table format, at the start or end of the document.
8. Ensure that the contents of the document are not squeezed into a smaller area just to limit page numbers. Documents with small margins and no spaces between paragraphs and headings can be difficult to look at, hard and slower to read. Space the contents out so that the type/font is easy to read for all users.
9. When creating a document, consider the context in which the document may be used in the future and whether the reader has enough background information.
10 People remember information best when there is a strong visual prompt, such as a diagram. When the document has to be lengthy, consider using tables to structure the information for the easy understanding of the reader.
11. Training of the document should be planned only after approval of the document and shall be completed before the effective date.