Monitoring and Maintaining Server Room

1.0 OBJECTIVE: To lay down a procedure for Monitoring and Maintaining Server Room.

2.0 SCOPE: This SOP is applicable for Monitoring and Maintaining Server Room

3.0 RESPONSIBILITY: Officer-IT/Officer-Engineering

4.0 ACCOUNTABILITY: IT – Head & Engineering – Head.

CPU Central processing unit.
UPS Uninterrupted Power Supply.
TFT Thin Film Transistor

6.1 Day to Day physical monitoring of server room by IT/Engg. personal to check Cleanliness Temperature, power supply, UPS and servers.

6.2 In cases if anything found faulty which needs attention should me informed to concern person or department for an immediate action and make sure to resolve the problem.
6.3 In case if any downtime is required IT/Engg. personal will request for approval from Director Sir’s office with validate reason and only after approval downtime will happen and need to up the services in the mention time window.

It is a dual departmental responsibility to maintain server room requirements fulfill for the smooth running of business.

6.4.1 In case there is a predefined maintenance work of any department whose services are in use for server room then IT should be informed 12 hrs. before, for ex – If Engineering department have a predefined electricity work and they required downtime so they will inform 12 hrs. before to IT for the same.
6.4.2 In case there was an urgent work of any department whose services are in use in server room have to inform IT 1 hr. before, for ex – If Engineering department want to down the UPS power supply then they have to inform IT 1 hr. before.
6.4.3 In case if there is an urgent work required inside the server room then the concern department personal will have to take IT personal with him and IT personal will stay there until the work get complete and after completion IT personal have to ensure that server room is safely locked.
6.4.4 If there is an working off or public holiday and urgent work is required or planned work is required to complete by any department whose services are in use in server room have to inform IT 12 hrs. before and in case of emergency concern department have to call IT HOD for the approval & information so that IT personal can attended the call and let work get done without any disturbances in server room.
6.4.5 Record the reading of temperature as per Annexure I.

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