1.0 OBJECTIVE: To describe a procedure for the operation of Chlorination of raw water.
2.0 SCOPE: This procedure applies to the Engineering department.
3.0 RESPONSIBILITY: Engineering
4.0 ACCOUNTABILITY: Plant head
5.0 REFERENCE (S): In-house.
6.1 Procedure of chlorination of raw water.
6.1.1 Take 80ml of 6% Naocl in 11 liters of raw water as per annexure-1. Put this solution in Naocl solution preparation tank and mixed properly.
6.1.2 Close the valve v-4 & open the valve v-3 of main supply.
6.1.3 Start the raw water supply pump.
6.1.4 Open the valve v-4 and start the dosing pump, DP-1 by pressing the start button, for injection of solution to the raw water supply line.
6.1.5 Now take 50 ml sample of chlorinated water from sampling point s-2, in a glass tube.
6.1.6 Measure 5ml of the reagent (chorotex) into a glass cylinder &add rapidly to this, 50 ml of water under test.
6.1.7 Mix thoroughly; allow standing for one minute and then comparing the color of sample with the color chart given on chlorotex bottle.
6.1.8 Check the chlorine content in the water .it should be between 0.2-0.5ppm and record the observations as per Annexure-1 of SOP.
6.1.9 Set the discharge of dosing pump, so that the chlorine content in the water corresponds to the required chlorine value (0.2-0.5) ppm.
6.1.10 Frequency of making Naocl solution is one time per day/24 hrs or as per requirement.