Objective: To provide a written procedure for on the job training of new appointed personnel in the Warehouse.
Scope: This SOP shall be applicable for Warehouse.
Associated Documents: SOP No. IONGE009 Training
1. Warehouse personnel shall be responsible to carry out the activity as per procedure.
2. Warehouse In Charge or his or her nominee shall be accountable to ensure the proper training and implementation of the procedure.
Abbreviations: Not applicable.
Precautions: Not applicable.
1. On the job training is the third phase of compulsory training.
2. All the newly appointed employees shall be given on the job training after fulfilling the 1st and 2nd phase of training courses.
3. On the job training is normally a learning process, conducted by Senior Officer of the Department.
4. The trainer shall cover the topics as given in the training form no. WH018-01.
5. After finishing each part of the training, the training sheet (Form No. WH018-01) shall be dated and signed by both the trainer and trainee.
6. Upon completion of the training the new employee shall comment on his training.
7. The trainer shall then evaluate the training of the new employee by filling out the individual training card and recommend any actions if required.
8. If knowledge and the confidence level of the trainee are found to be satisfactory, then 4th Phase of training shall be started as per SOP No. IONGE009. The individual training card shall be signed by Head of Department and documented.
9. If knowledge and the confidence level of the trainee are found to be unsatisfactory, the trainer shall recommend for additional training for a further period.