Evaluation of cleaning validation is also a very important step, a pharmaceutical firm should focus on the objective of the validation process. There is no point in adapting extensive sampling and testing methodology unless the objective of cleaning validation process is set clearly and the steps in cleaning process are effective, therefore effectiveness of cleaning steps is important aspect as they will be required to be effectively achieve the objective of the cleaning process and its validation.
During evaluation of cleaning procedure for a equipment the methods applied for cleaning like scrubbing by hand or washing with solvent are also important variables which should considered properly in protocol, as the overall effectiveness of cleaning procedure depends very much on these variables. The number of cleaning processes required for the equipment or equipment pieces should be properly determined.
Following are some important factors in evaluation of cleaning procedures and cleaning validation
1. Equipment Design
2. Written Cleaning Process Procedure and Documentation.
3.Analytical Methods
4.Sampling :- a) Direct Surface Sampling b). Rinse Samples c). Routine Production In Process Control