Cleaning and Sanitation of QC

Objective: To lay down the general procedure about cleaning and sanitation of Quality Control Department

Scope: The SOP is applicable for Quality Control Department of (Company Name).

=>> Each individual in the laboratory is responsible for carrying out the procedure.
=>> Overall responsibility for training, implementation & follow-up with the QC Manager or his nominee.

Precautions: Cleaning compound and sanitizing agents shall be free from undesirable microorganism. These materials shall be safe and adequate. Supplier’s guarantee or certification, Safety Data sheet shall be maintained in a file for easy access by employees.

=>> Laboratory must be maintained in a clean and tidy and safe condition with apprppriate control and management of waste materials.
=>> Trained person or personnel shall be engaged for cleaning and sanitization activities. Their training records shall be documented.
=>> Only the following toxic materials shall be used and or stored in the laboratory:

=>> Those required maintaining clean and sanitary condition, especially antibacterial solution, liquid detergent etc.
=>> Those needed for used in laboratory testing procedures.
=>> Those needed for plant and equipment maintenance and operation.
=>> Sanitizer equivalent to 50 ppm (approx.) chlorine can also be used in the laboratory especially in microbiology laboratory.

=>> All above materials shall be stored in locked and labeled facilities away from production handling areas.
=>> All test equipment shall be cleaned following the respective cleaning procedure. This cleaning shall be performed after each product test to avoid interference of residue in analysis.
=>> The equipment cleaning shall be recorded in respective equipment logbook following SOP on Quality Control Equipment Logbook (SOP No.QC011).
=>> All working tables shall be cleaned using dry duster. When necessary, surfaces may be wet-cleaned and followed by dry swab using dry duster before subsequent use.
=>> All reagent bottles lying on testing table shall be cleaned using dry duster once every day.
=>> All used glassware in analytical laboratory shall be cleaned immediately after each use following SOP on cleaning of glassware (SOP No. QC013).
=>> Organism contaminated glass wares shall be autoclaved before washing. Sanitizer equivalent to 50ppm(approx.) chlorine shall be used to wash all contaminated glassware in microbiology laboratory.
=>> Cleaning of chemical contaminated glassware in microbiology laboratory shall be done following step 5.9.
=>> All garments such as aprons, smocks, masks and caps shall be laundered routinely following laundering program. The analyst in the laboratory shall change their dresses at least twice in a week.
=>> Cleaning of facilities include walls, floors, and ceilings shall be carried out in following
6.13.1 Debris shall be swept up and discarded
=>> Floors shall be wet mops using potable water and using antiseptic solution everyday. During use of antiseptic solution different brand shall be used alternatively.
=>> Floors shall be rinsed with water-detergent solution followed by dry mop. This rinsing shall be carried out using floor-scrubbing machine at least every alternate month.
=>> Floor scrubbing brush may be used as an alternative technique (step 5.13.3). In that case cleaning shall be done at least once in every month.
=>> Walls and ceiling shall be cleaned as needed but at least once a year. This cleaning preferably be done using dry mop. If required wet mop can be used.
=>> The glass partitions and window glass panels shall be cleaned using thinner (a kind of glass cleaning agent) at least once in a week.
=>> All furniture shall be dry cleaned at least once in a day. Washing basins shall be cleaned frequently and also at work end. Sufficient potable water shall be drained out through basin during cleaning of basins.
=>> Facility shall be cleaned with an approved cleaner. He shall be trained about the requirement of Good Laboratory Practices and related SOPs. Training record shall be maintained.
=>> Records of facility cleaning shall be maintained in a register. At least the following information shall be recorded:
=>> Facility Name (Floor/wall/ceiling/bench top/window glass etc)
=>> Date and time of cleaning
=>> Mode of cleaning
=>> Name of cleaning agent used
=>> Frequency of cleaning
=>> Cleaning done by (Name, Signature and date)
=>> Verification by and date
=>> Assistant Manager/Manager, Quality Control or his nominee shall perform daily visual inspection prior to start work and shall sign the cleaning record.

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