1.0 OBJECTIVE : To set up a standardized general procedure for the operation and cleaning of Laminar Air Flow workstation, which ensures an aseptic microbiological working area.
2.0 SCOPE : This SOP is applicable for operation and cleaning of Laminar Air Flow Workstation.
3.1 Operating personnel is responsible for carrying out the procedure.
3.2 Overall responsibility for training, implementation & follow-up with the QC Manager or his nominee.
4.1 Head of Quality.
5.1 Working bench should be cleaned properly with 70% isopropyl alcohol.
5.2 Analyst should not enter into the lab when the UV light is on.
6.1 Operation and cleaning
6.1.1 Switch on the main power. Three red lights will glow for blower, light and UV- light respectively.
6.1.2 Press the green soft keys for the UV- light and blower sequentially to switch on the UV- light and blower. The red light for UV-light and blower of the switch panel will turn to green. Record the hour meter reading for the UV- light in Annexure-I.
6.1.3 After 30 minutes press the red soft key of UV-light only to turn off UV-light and take the reading of UV- light hour meter and manometer, record in Annexure-I. Analysis must not be started when the UV-light is on.
6.1.4 Press the green soft key for light to illuminate the bench.
6.1.5 Clean the working bench properly with 70% isopropyl alcohol.
6.1.6 Now the bench is ready for work.
6.1.7 After completion of work clean the workstations with sporicidal agent (SPOR-KLENZ, manufactured by STERIS, USA) and let it air dry.
6.1.8 Record the cleaning of L.A.F. work station in the log book (Annexure-II) with signature and date.
6.1.9 After completion of the work of the day, press the red soft key for the light and blower to turn them off and switch off the main power line.