SOP for Key Management

To provide the procedure for management of keys.

This procedure is applicable for the management of keys for Warehouse (Company Name).

3.1 Authorized warehouse officer shall be responsible for supervision and control.
3.2 Manager, Warehouse shall be responsible for effective implementation of procedure.

4.1 Manager, Warehouse

5.1 Ensure that Approved “Authorized person list” is available in Administration department (Security office) and relevant area of warehouse.
5.2 Ensure that all key related operation shall directly performed by the approved authorized person of warehouse.
5.3 Ensure that “Quarantine and Approved Area for Raw and Packaging Materials, Material lock in and lock out shutter door, Receiving and Dispatch bay shutter door, Warehouse change room and Sampling area” are properly locked at the end of daily operation and all the key deposit into office key box
5.4 Ensure that Cool and Cold room are locked and key deposit in to the office key box after completion the job.
5.5 Ensure that all cabinets (except empty cabinet) and cages for labels, leaflets and printed packaging materials are locked, keys stored in key box and main key of key box deposited in the office key box after completion of job.
5.6 Ensure that at the end of the day, key of the entry door of Warehouse and office key box is deposited with Administration department (Security office) by the authorized person and the necessary entry is made in the key register.

6.1 Authorized Warehouse officer shall take the key of warehouse entry door and office key box from Administration Department (security office), made necessary entry in the key register and open the warehouse at the beginning of the day.
6.2 As per requirement Warehouse officer will collect the specific key(s) from office key box by following Approved “Authorized person list/displayed authorized person list.
6.3 All Cage, cabinet and Cool & Cold room are to be opened and locked in presence of authorized warehouse person.
6.4 Authorized person shall take the key of “Rejected material store/Returned goods store/ finished goods store”, from Administration Department (security office) and necessary entry is made in the key register.
6.5 After completion of job key of “Rejected material store/Returned goods store/ finished goods store” are deposited with administration department (Security office) and necessary entry is made in the key register.
6.6 Finally authorized warehouse officer will deposit the key of entry door and office key box to the administration department (Security office) and the necessary entry is made in the key register.

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