SOP for Issuance of Product Code

To describe the procedure for assigning unique identification product codes for finished goods and common granules.

This code numbering system is applicable for the entire range of products manufactured at (Company Name).

3.1 Head of concerned departments (R&D, SBM, IMT etc.) is responsible to initiate the request for product code creation.
3.2 Quality Assurance (QA) is responsible to allocate and maintain the product code number.

4.1 Head of Quality.

5.1 Request for product code creation must be raised when a product code is required for a new product.
5.2 Log register for product code issuance must be maintained to ensure the sequential numbering as well as to avoid any duplicate number allotment.

6.1 All finished products and common granules will be coded with the unique identification product code number.
6.2 The concerned department shall initiate the request for the new code in FRM No. FQA/207, (Annexure I) and send the completed form to QA for code allotment.
6.3 QA shall verify the request for all required details and allot the product code as under. If any of the information is missing, QA will either seek the information or return the request to concerned department for completing the form appropriately.
6.3.1 All finished products shall be allotted a 7 (seven) digit sequential number starting with 0000001. The first product code allotted shall be 0000001, subsequently followed by 0000002, 0000003…….. up to 0000999.
6.3.2 The product code for common granules will also be allotted in sequence to the finished product code, i.e. the code for common granules shall be in continuation with the finished product code.
For example, if the last allotted code is 0000009, the product code for common granules of a finished product having multiple strengths will be 0000010. The product code for the individual strengths of finished product made from the common granules shall be 0000011 and 0000012 respectively, presuming that the finished product had two strengths and the codes were not allotted earlier.
6.3.3 The product code for different pack size, different trade/generic name etc. will also be a 7 (seven) digit sequential number, but the series will start with 0001001.
For example, if the product code of a finished product is 0000009 and the product is packed in three different packaging configurations viz. 1 x 5’s, 1 x 7’s and 1 x 10’s the product code allotted to the three packaging configurations will be 0001001, 0001002 and 0001003 respectively. If at a later date a new packaging configuration is identified for the same product, the then next available sequential number will be allotted.
6.4 Once the product code is allotted by QA, the request is forwarded to Head, Quality or designee for approval.
6.5 Head, Quality or designee shall review the entire form and provide approval for uploading the product code in the system.
6.6 Once the product code is approved by Head, Quality or designee, QA officer shall make relevant entries in the log register (Annexure II) maintained for the issuance of the product code and forward a photocopy of the approved form to management information system (MIS) department for making system entries.
6.7 MIS personnel shall make entries and upload the product code in system, allowing the usage of the code by relevant departments.
6.8 The original copy of the approved request shall be retained in QA for reference purposes and a photocopy shall be shared with initiating department for their records.
6.9 The master list of product codes will be updated every six months by QA.

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