SOP for Housekeeping in warehouse

To describe the procedure for cleaning and housekeeping of warehouse.

This procedure is applicable for cleaning, housekeeping of various areas of warehouse (warehouse office, label counting room, loading & unloading bay, received & dispatch area, change room, cool room, cold room, quarantine area for raw and packaging material, approved area for raw & packaging material, finished product, sampling area, rejected & returned goods area and inflammable material store)

3.1 Operator shall carry out the activity as per procedure.
3.2 Warehouse officer shall be responsible for supervision and control.
3.3 Manager, Warehouse shall be responsible for effective implementation of procedure.

4.1 Manager, Warehouse

5.1 Ensure that all passage of entrances and exits are free from obstructions.
5.2 Use Safety devices wherever necessary.
5.3 Material shall be stacked properly on pallets and the pallets should be properly stacked on racks using Forklift.
5.4 Ensure that all raw, packaging, rejected materials and finished Product are stored in designated area with correct label attached in containers/box/packet.
5.5 Fire alarms and fire extinguishers shall be kept in easy accessible area.
5.6 Ensure that total cleaning is complete as per SOP and sign as checked by in the cleaning log sheet.
5.7 Use Mosquito killing bat to kill flying mosquito before start daily cleaning of respective areas.
5.8 Check and clean “spider web” in every corner of warehouse area before start daily cleaning.
5.9 Ensure that cleaning is done by dry clean cloth for receipt material containers and used cloth will be disposed after cleaning.
5.10 Ensure “Approved” label for Detol/Savlon solution from QC department. Disinfectant shall be changed alternatively on weekly schedule.
5.11 Ensure that PVC Flap/Sheet is clean and change PVC Flap/Sheet when cleanliness is not satisfactory.
5.12 Ensure that the gaps around the external roller doors (top) at the Warehouse are perfectly sealed to prevent ingress of mosquito/flies.
5.13 Ensure that the required cleaned garments are available in their working areas.

6.1 Daily Cleaning Procedure
6.1.1 Warehouse offices and Label Counting Room Clean the office equipments i.e. chair, table, shelves, computers, printers, electrical wires, switch board using dry clean cloths. Clean the label counting machine as per procedure (SOP WH/009). Clean the glass doors/ glass windows with glass cleaner only. Sweep off dust from floors & stairs using a broom and dispose into respective waste bin. Collect wastes / garbage in poly bag from respective waste bins and weigh the waste quantity then transfer to the scrap area. Then wipe the entire floor with a cotton brush moisten with 0.2 % detergent solution.Finally wipe out the floor with 2.5 % Dettol / 5.0 % Savlon solution alternatively on weekly schedule. (i.e. one week Dettol and next week Savlon solution.) After cleaning enter the details in “Warehouse Area Cleaning Record” (FRM No.: FWH/035).
6.1.2 Received, Dispatch and Hold Area Clean the upside and interior part of rolling shutter doors (top) by using dry cloths. During cleaning the upside of rolling shutter, check and ensure that the gaps around the external roller doors (top) are perfectly sealed to prevent the ingress and other pests. Clean the curtains of receiving and dispatch door by using wet cloth then dry cloth sequentially. Replace the curtains after every two years or whenever necessary. Clean the weighing balances as per balance cleaning procedure (SOP WH/006 & WH/010). Clean the glass doors/ glass windows with glass cleaner only. Clean the Insecticutors as per procedure (SOP/HR002) and enter the details in “Insecticutors Cleaning Record” (FRM No.: FHR/001). If any insect escapes air curtain and insecticutors, Warehouse personnel shall kill the insect by using electrical insect killing racket and enter details in “Electrical Insect Killing Racket Operation Record” (FRM No.: FWH/046). Check rodent glue mat/trap in the warehouse as per approved drawing and enter the details in “Checklist for Rodent Glue Mat/Trap” (FRM No.: FHR/007) Open the “Material Lock IN” & “Material Lock Out” shutter doors and sweep off dust from floors using a broom and dispose into the respective waste bin. Collect wastes in poly bag from waste bins and weigh the waste quantity then transfer to the scrap area. Then clean the entire floor with a cotton brush moisten with 0.2 % detergent solution. Finally wipe out the floor with 2.5 % Dettol / 5.0 % Savlon solution alternatively on weekly schedule. After cleaning enter the details in “Warehouse Area Cleaning Record” (FRM No.: FWH/035).
6.1.3 Sampling Area Clean the step over benches, doors/windows, SS locker and wash basins by wet cloth soaked with 0.2 % detergent solution (Jet Powder). Clean the weighing balances of sampling area by using dry and clean cloths. Clean the glass doors/ glass windows and mirror with glass cleaner only. Sweep off dust from floors using a broom and dispose into waste bins of QC office & sampling rooms. Collect waste in poly bag from respective waste bins and weigh the waste quantity then transfer to the scrap area. Collect and transfer used shoe cover to the scrap area. Then wipe the entire floor with a cotton brush moisten with 0.2 % detergent solution. Finally wipe out the floor with 2.5 % Dettol / 5.0 % Savlon solution alternatively on weekly schedule. (i.e. one week Dettol and next week Savlon solution.) After cleaning enter the details in “Warehouse Area Cleaning Record” (FRM No.: FWH/035).
6.1.4 Warehouse Change Room Replace used shoe cover & used apron (disposable only) with new one in the warehouse change room and transfer used shoe cover and apron to the scrap area at the beginning of every morning. Transfer used full sleeve apron (for employees only) to the washing area at the end of week and ensure the availability of cleaned apron in the working area at the beginning of week. Clean the step over benches, doors and SS locker by wet cloth soaked with 0.2 % detergent solution. Clean the helmets by using dry and clean cloth. Clean the glass doors and mirror with glass cleaner only. Sweep of dust from floors using a broom and dispose into waste bin. Collect waste in poly bag from respective waste bins and weigh the waste quantity then transfer to the scrap area. Then wipe the entire floor with a cotton brush moisten with 0.2 % detergent solution.Finally wipe out the floor with 2.5 % Dettol / 5.0 % Savlon solution alternatively on weekly schedule. After cleaning enter the details in “Warehouse Area Cleaning Record” (FRM No.: FWH/035).
6.1.5 Quarantine, Approved and Finished goods Storage Area Sweep off dust from floors by using a broom and dispose into waste bin. Collect wastes / garbage in poly bag from respective waste bins and weigh the waste quantity then transfer to the scrap area. Clean the entire floor with a cotton brush moisten with 0.2 % detergent solution. Finally wipe out the floor with 2.5 % Dettol / 5.0 % Savlon solution alternatively on weekly schedule. After cleaning enter the details in “Warehouse Area Cleaning Record” (FRM No.: FWH/035).
6.1.6 Loading and unloading Bay Sweep of dust from floors using a broom and dispose into waste bin. Collect the waste in poly bag from waste bin and weigh the waste quantity then transfer to the scrap area. Clean the loading and unloading bay every morning and evening by wet duster soaked 0.2 % detergent solution then sprinkle with 2.5 % Dettol / 5.0 % Savlon solution alternatively on weekly schedule.
6.1.7 Pallet and Rack Cleaning After dispatch of materials, collect empty pallets and clean all pallets in receiving area by using wet cloth and dry cloth sequentially. Before transfer of cleaned pallet to warehouse materials storage area, check the upper side, lower side and every corner of pallet and ensure that at least no dust visible in the pallet. In the material storage area, clean the Racks, Pallets every day by using dry cloth before floor cleaning and ensure that all racks and pallets of warehouse storage area are cleaned within month. Warehouse Officer shall monitor the cleaning procedure and after cleaning, record the details in “Warehouse Area Cleaning Record” (FRM No.: FWH/035).
6.2 Weekly Cleaning Procedure
6.2.1 Rejected and Returned goods Store Sweep off dust from floors by using a broom and dispose into waste bin. Collect waste in poly bag from respective waste bins and weigh the waste quantity then transfer to the scrap area. Then wipe the entire floor with a cotton brush moisten with 0.2 % detergent solution.Finally wipe out the floor with 2.5 % Dettol / 5.0 % Savlon solution alternatively on weekly schedule
6.2.2 Inflammable Material Store Sweep off dust from floors by using a broom and dispose into waste bin. Collect waste in poly bag from respective waste bins and weigh the waste quantity then transfer to the scrap area. Clean the Inflammable material store area by wet duster soaked with 0.2 % detergent solution (Jet Powder). Clean the doors, windows and rolling shutter doors by wet duster soaked 0.2 % detergent solution (Jet Powder). Clean the walls, tube lights and switch boxes by dry dusters. After cleaning enter the details in “Warehouse Area Cleaning Record” (FWH/035).
6.2.3 All Area of Warehouse Clean the walls, partitions, tube lights, diffuser, return riser, switch boxes and rolling shutter only by dry dusters. After cleaning enter the details in “Warehouse Area Cleaning Record” (FRM No.: FWH/035).
6.3 Quarterly cleaning
6.3.1 Ceiling, Ceiling light and Diffuser Clean ceiling, ceiling light and diffuser quarterly with help of Engineering Dept. Raise an engineering requisition and ensure that ceiling, ceiling light and Diffuser are cleaned.

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