SOP for Entry Exit from warehouse

To describe the entry and exit procedure for gowning and de-gowning and use of protective garments by the employee working in warehouse and sampling area.

This procedure is applicable to all employees working in the warehouse (Raw material, Packaging material and Sampling area).

3.1 HR Officer shall be responsible to provide sufficient quantity of different cleaned garments in warehouse.
3.2 Warehouse officer / QC officer shall be responsible for ensuring the availability of required cleaned garments in their working areas.
3.3 Manager, Warehouse and QC shall be responsible for training of employees.
3.4 Manager, Warehouse shall be responsible for effective implementation of procedure.

4.1 Manager, Warehouse.

5.1 All entries to the warehouse and departure from warehouse to be made through the change room.
5.2 QC officer shall remove all types of jewellery and watches before entering into the sampling Area.
5.3 QC officer shall wash hands with liquid soap and dry the hands prior the exits from sampling area.
5.4 Ensure that all passages of ‘Emergency Exit Door ‘free from obstruction and keep the door always unlocked.
5.5 Ensure that employees are properly trained on entry and exit procedure in warehouse and sampling area.

6.1 Entry into and exit from Warehouse
6.1.1 Enter the change room through Air lock.
6.1.2 Put off street shoes and keep them into the pigeon holes of step over bench and cross the same. Wear official shoe kept in the pigeon hole.
6.1.3 Keep all belongings in locker and wear cap, apron and helmet as per Gowning procedure displayed on the wall. (Annexure-III).
6.1.4 Before entering into the working area check that the dress is correctly worn up by looking into the mirror and comparing with the QA approved picture displayed on the wall of the change room.
6.1.5 To enter the warehouse, open the door by punching ID card in the Access control system and carry out the activity as per respective procedures.
6.1.6 Press “EXIT” switch to exit from warehouse by entering the change room through corridor.
6.1.7 Put off helmet, cap & apron and keep them into hanger and locker (Warehouse personnel).
6.1.8 Put off the factory footwear and keep it in pigeon holes provided in step over bench and cross the same.
6.1.9 Put off helmet and keep them into hanger (Visitors).
6.1.10 Put off cap/apron and put into container labeled as “Used Apron” (incase of disposable garments for visitors).
6.1.11 Put on street footwear and exit from warehouse area.
6.2 Entry into and exit from Sampling area
6.2.1 QC/QA officers, Operators shall enter the QA office through warehouse entrance door.
6.2.2 Enter in change room through QA office. Put off the street footwear and keep them in pigeon holes provided in the step over bench and cross the same. Wear white shocks and factory footwear kept in the pigeon holes.
6.2.3 Wash hands with liquid soap and dry the hands. Put on cap, mask and fresh full sleeve apron from garment cupboard. Put on the hand-gloves (disposable).
6.2.4 Before entering into the working area, check that the dress is correctly worn up by looking into the mirror and comparing with the QA approved picture displayed on the wall of the change room (Annexure-VII).Then disinfects the hands with disinfectant solution.
6.2.5 Enter into sampling room and carry out the sampling and other cleaning activities as per relevant SOP’s.
6.2.6 To exit from sampling area, enter through the change room. Put off the hand gloves and put it in the waste bin for disposal and wash hands with liquid soap and dry the hands prior to exit from sampling area.
6.2.7 Put off cap, apron and put into container labeled as “Used Apron”
6.2.8 Remove the factory footwear and keep it in pigeon holes provided in step over bench and cross the step over bench.
6.2.9 Wear street footwear and exit from sampling area.
6.3 Emergency Exit from Warehouse
6.3.1 In the event of a fire alarm, ensure that all employees working in the vivarium area have evacuated the building through the nearest exit door (emergency exit door or by warehouse change room).A rally point is designated (Gate house no. 3) in front of warehouse where the staff meets.

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