SOP for Disposal of Contaminated Microbiological Culture Media and Biohazard Materials

1.0 OBJECTIVE : to lay down a procedure for proper disposal of used media plates and culture tubes and to prevent contamination & cross contamination and to maintain proper biological safety of laboratory and environment.

2.0 SCOPE : This SOP is applicable for Microbiological Laboratory of Quality Control Department of (Company Name)

3.1 Each individual in the laboratory is responsible for carrying out the procedure.
3.2 Overall responsibility for training, implementation & follow-up with the QC Manager or his nominee.

4.1 Head of Quality.

5.1 Culture tubes and vials should be handled carefully.
5.2 Record of microbiological waste disposal should be done properly.

6.1 Petri plates and glass slides
6.1.1 For glass petriplates, remove the culture media from the petriplates after use or media from unused petriplates with a spatula and transfer into a disposable bag.
6.1.2 If disposable petriplates and other disposable plastic wares are used, put both the used and unused plates containing media directy into the disposable bag.
6.1.3 Affix approximately one inch of autoclave paper on the bags to check the autoclave conditions.
6.1.4 Decontaminate the content of the bags at 121°C temperaure and under 15 psi pressure for 30 minutes. Record the disposal of both the used and the unused petriplates in the log book (Annexure-I).
6.1.5 Place the glass petriplates and other contaminated glasswares in a perforated stainless steel basket and separately decontaminate the content in the vertical autoclave at 121°C temperature and under 15 psi pressure for 30 minutes.
6.1.6 Wash the glass petriplates and slides with detergent and water, and dry them according to SOP No. QC013 for reuse.
6.1.7 Use sufficient water to rinse the glass apparatus to minimize trace of residual detergent.
6.1.8 Decontaminated waste shall be labeled properly and send it for disposition.
6.2 Cultures tubes and vials
6.2.1 Place the tubes with losen cap into a autoclavable bag, affix approximately one inch of autoclave paper on the bag. For disposal of expired standard microbial culture slant or vial, put them in a separate disposal bag. Decontaminate it at 121°C temperature and under 15 psi pressure for 30 minutes.
6.2.2 Wash the empty tubes thoroughly and dry them according to SOP No. QC013 for reuse.
6.2.3 Decontaminated waste shall be labeled properly and send it for disposition.
6.2.4 Record the microbiological waste disposal details in Annexure-I.

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