SOP for Cleaning of Wet Scrubber

OBJECTIVE: The Objective of this SOP is to describe the procedure for cleaning of Wet Scrubber. To ensure Proper maintenance of Wet Scrubber.

SCOPE: This SOP is to describe the procedure for cleaning of Wet Scrubber.

4.1 The Operator shall be:
4.1.1 Responsible for cleaning of Wet Scrubber.
4.1.2 Responsible to maintain the cleaning record.
4.2 The Engineer shall be:
4.2.1 Responsible for assurance of proper cleaning.
4.2.2 Corrective action for any deviation.

ACCOUNTABILITY: Head –Engineering Services

6.1 Switch `Off’ the power supply.
6.2 A person carrying out Wet Scrubber cleaning should wear the following apparel.
6.2.1 Nose mask.
6.2.2 Rubber hand gloves.
6.3 Open the inspection door of Wet Scrubber.
6.4 Clean the inner side, using nylon scrubber.
6.5 Close the inspection door.
6.6 Fill up the scrubber sump with 2% (w/v) Sodium Hydroxide solution with water.
6.7 Switch `On’ the circulation pump and let it run for 10 – 15 minutes.
6.8 Switch `off’ the circulation pump.
6.9 Drain out the collected solution, which goes to the Effluent Treatment plant.
6.10 Fill up the scrubber sump with fresh water.
6.11 Switch `On’ the circulation pump and let it run for 10 – 15 minutes.
6.12 Switch `off’ the circulation pump.
6.13 Drain out the water.
6.14 Fill up the sump with fresh water.
6.15 Check the gasket of inspection door for any damage. Replace it, if required.
6.16 Switch on the power supply.
6.17 Switch `On’ the Wet Scrubber.
6.18 Check for any leakage. Rectify it, if required.
6.19 Maintain the record of cleaning in attached format. (Annexure-1)

6.20 FREQUENCY: 6.20.1 All Wet Scrubber are to be cleaned fifteen day.

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