Roller compaction is also a tablet manufacturing process, sometimes known as dry granulation that increases flowability.
However, it has several unique properties that make it ideal for roller compaction. An alternative is to mix only the excipient and not the API.
This premix can then be compacted by slug or roller compaction, after which it is ground into granules without the use of liquids since the API only needs to be added now. This process is perfectly suited for sensitive APIs and due to the compatibility of the components, the API is well distributed; However, the additional process steps of roller compaction make it quite expensive. All three tablet manufacturing processes turn compresses from powders or granules into tablets.
Types of Roller Compactors:
Roller compactors can be divided into two categories: one equipped with a fixed gap, the other with a floating gap. Both consist of the three main units described above but differ in the way they realize the smallest distance (gap) between the rolls.
1. When a fixed gap is installed, the amount of powder drawn into the compaction area between the rolls is uneven, causing different forces to be applied to the powder bed. As with slugging, this will cause large fluctuations in ribbon and grain characteristics.
2. The distance between the rolls varies according to the amount of powder supplied to the floating gap. The force applied to the powder is constant. This ensures that fluctuations in the properties of the particles are reduced to a minimum.