Objective: To establish a standard procedure for replacement of HEPA filters
Scope: This procedure is applicable for replacement of HEPA filters at HVAC system, (Company Name)
1. Operator shall be responsible to follow the procedure strictly.
2. Supervisor shall be responsible to ensure that the SOP is followed properly.
Accountability: Head of Engineering
=>> Concerned personnel should be trained on the SOP
=>> PPE should be worn before starting work.
=>> Hang the instruction board “UNDER MAINTENANCE”.
=>> Isolate the power of the AHU
=>> Before changing filter record the pressure drop in ANNEXURE-I
Following works shall be done sequentially to change the filter
=>> Criteria for filter Replaced:
=>> HEPA filters will be replaced due to Integrity test failure.
=>> When pressure drop exceed 450 Pa
=>> If it is found physically damaged
=>> Removing procedure
=>> Open the door of the HEPA box (Incase of plenum)
=>> Unscrew the filter from housing / frame (Incase of plenum)
=>> Unscrew the filter frame from housing (Incase of terminal)
=>> Remove the silicon by anti cuter (Incase of terminal)
=>> Remove the filter from housing
=>> Carry out the filter to the rejected filter area / scrap yard
=>> Installation Procedure
=>> Clean the filter housing
=>> Select the filter as per specification
=>> Give the allotted code number to the filter
=>> Set the filter to the filter housing. Ensure the air flow direction before fixing the filter.
=>> Ensure that the filter is fixed with sealing gaskets
=>> Use sealant if required to avoid infiltration of air
=>> Properly tighten the all screw / bolts.
=>> Close the door of the filter properly
=>> Switch ON of the AHU
=>> Observe the pressure drop & air flow and record in annexure-I
=>> Carry out the integrity test.