Objective: To provide a written procedure for the preparation of 70% Isopropyl alcohol .
Scope: This procedure is applicable for the preparation of 70% Isopropyl alcohol used as disinfectant in (Company Name)
=>> Microbiologist/ QC officer shall be responsible to carry out the activity as per procedure.
=>> Manager QC or his nominee shall be overall responsible for implementation.
=>> During handling of Isopropyl alcohol, read carefully the instructions given on the container label or MSDS.
=>> Avoid inhalation of the vapors.
=>> Preparation of the 70%Isopropyl alcohol
=>> Take a cleaned container and rinse it thoroughly with purified water. Sterilize the container in an autoclave.
=>> Mix required quantity of the Isopropyl alcohol and purified water in the ratio of 70:30 (IPA : purified water) using a measuring cylinder in the container and shake manually for 1 to 2 minutes for through mixing.
=>> Filter the prepared 70% IPA with 0.45um membrane filter.
=>> Keep the prepared 70% IPA solution in the container by tightly closing the lid to prevent evaporation as well as possible contamination.
=>> Label the container with name of the content, date of preparation, use before date, prepared by etc.
=>> The date of expiry (use before) should not be more than 15 days from the date of preparation of the disinfectant.
=>> Store the 70% Isopropyl alcohol solution away from heat and direct light. Always keep the lid of the container tightly closed.
=>> For routine use transfer the required amount from the stock container to wash bottle /spray container and keep the stock container well closed.
=>> All activities from preparation to transferring for routine use must be done under the L.A.F. bench of Microbiology department.
=>> Maintain the record of preparation of the 70% Isopropyl alcohol in Annexure.