General Safety Rules of GLP

Safety rules applicable for laboratory operations must be adhered to by all analysts performing the analysis. Though these require the desire on the part of individual analysts to protect themselves and their associates by following a set of rules, these rules shall be mandatory for all personnel working in the QC laboratory.

All personnel entering QC laboratory are required to follow proper gowning procedures as detailed in the SOP on Entry and exit procedure for Quality Control Laboratory.

Eye protection must be used by analysts in accordance to the analytical work performed.

Laboratory personnel must familiarize themselves with the location and use of all safety tools and emergency exits.

Manager QC shall ensure that no one works alone in the laboratory. Any exception to this must be approved by Head, Quality citing proper justifications. Head, Quality will judge the priority and risk involved before providing specific permission.

Manager QC or designee shall ensure that all personnel working in the laboratory are trained on relevant Material safety data sheets (MSDS) before any analysis is initiated.

Potential hazards of using specific chemicals as a part of the analysis must be included in the standard testing procedure, so that necessary precautions can be taken to eliminate or counteract the hazard.

Analysts must be trained to perform on equipments they have to handle as a part of the analysis.

Do not touch hot surfaces like injector or detector of the Gas chromatograph (GC) or the column oven of the High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) during operation.

Inform the Manager QC or designee of any situation that can lead to a potential accident or result in a hazardous situation.

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