Cleaning and challenge test of Solid Flow Monitor for Fluidized Bed Dryer

1.0 OBJECTIVE: To lay down the procedure for Cleaning and challenge test of Solid Flow Monitor for Fluidized Bed Dryer.

2.0 SCOPE: This procedure is applicable to Cleaning and challenge test of Solid Flow Monitor for Fluidized Bed Dryer in granulation area.

Production: Technical Associate/Officer /Executive/Assistant Manager.
Head Production: To ensure execution & compliance.
Head QA: To ensure the compliance

4.1 Checks and precautions:
4.1.1 Check the integrity of Dutch mesh of product container before and after each usage.
4.1.2 Ensure that the earthing probe is properly connected to the equipment.
4.1.3 Ensure that incoming main air pressure is not less than 6 kg/cm2 during entire operation.
4.2 Cleaning procedure of sensors of Solid Flow monitor:
4.2.1 Loosen the bolt/clamp fitted with SFM sensor.
4.2.2 Take out the sensor carefully and clean the sensor.
4.2.3 Clean the sensor rod along with Teflon base thoroughly using dry lint free cloth.
4.2.4 Assemble the sensor in its original position by tightening the bolt/clamp.
4.2.5 During assembling of sensor, ensure that the cable attached to the sensor should not be twisted.
4.2.6 Ensure that the sensor is tightly fitted at the correct position and is not touching any other part.
4.2.7 Frequency: Before and after Challenge test of Solid flow Monitor
4.3 Challenge test for Solid flow Monitor:
4.3.1 Start the challenge test as per schedule after completion of batch and before changeover.
4.3.2 Material like Starch / Talc / Micro-crystalline Cellulose can be taken for Challenge test.
4.3.3 Issue the required quantity of materials for challenge test from raw material stores as per requirement.
4.3.4 Take approximately 250 gm of material for challenge tests and record in Annexure – I.
4.3.5 Challenge test should be carried out in such a way that challenge material should go through exhaust and should come in contact with SFM sensor.
4.3.6 During challenge test, follow the below procedure, Remove the finger bag and take holding ring to the up position.
4.3.7 Place the materials in the FBD bowl and keep FBD bowl in its original position and set the FBD in auto mode.
4.3.8 Start FBD as per the operating procedure and allow the challenge material to go through exhaust.
4.3.9 Ensure that SFM sensor sense the material flow and trips the FBD within 5 to 10 seconds after exhaust blower in full speed , if not, repeat the above process with double quantity of materials.
4.3.10 If still SFM sensor fails to sense the material going through exhaust, inform engineering department.
4.3.11 After completion of successful challenge test, reset the SFM sensor till all challenge test materials goes out through exhaust and FBD runs continuously without tripping in empty run.
4.3.12 After completion of challenge test, clean the sensor as per above cleaning procedure.
4.4 Frequency of Challenge test for Solid flow Monitor:
4.4.1 Challenge tests to be performed on every 14 + 2 days.
4.4.2 In case of campaign production during the schedule, challenge test to be performed after completion of product.
4.4.3 If FBD is not running for many days, then challenge test to be done before starting product.
4.4.4 Record ‘SFM Challenge test’ in Sequential log of individual equipment and also in Annexure – I.
4.4.5 Reconciliation of material for SFM challenge test is to be done in Annexure – II at the end of every month.

Annexure–I: Utilization record of Challenges materials.
Annexure-II: Reconciliation for Challenges materials.

SOP: Preparation, Approval, Distribution control, revision and destruction of Standard operating Procedure (SOP).

BMR : Batch Manufacturing Record.
QA : Quality Assurance
FBD : Fluidized Bed Dryer.
SFM : Solid Flow Monitor.
Gm : Gram

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