Objective: To establish a standard procedure for attending breakdown maintenance.
Scope: This SOP is applicable for any breakdown of process equipments and facilities of (Company Name).
All concerned personnel shall be responsible to follow the SOP strictly.
Supervisor shall be responsible to ensure that the SOP is followed properly.
Accountibility: Head of Engineering.
1. Breakdown maintenance is to be carried out only upon receiving requisition from concerned department.
2. Before starting maintenance, hang the board “UNDER MAINTENANCE”.
>> The concerned department should inform to Engineering department immediately after breakdown using the Repair Request.
>> Repair request shall be raised by the officer of the concerned area and approved by the Departmental Head.
>> Repair Request shall be prepared as per ANNEXURE-I and handed over to Engineering Department.
>> Engineering Manager/Supervisor shall assign the job to the relevant person immediately after receiving the Repair Request.
>> After completion of the job, Engineering personnel shall check the functions of the machine in presence of the officer of concerned department.
>> Before handing over the machine to concerned department, Engineering personnel shall clean the area under maintenance properly.
>> Upon successful handover of the machine, Engineering personnel shall collect satisfactory remarks in the repair request form from the officer in charge. The time of completing the job is to be mentioned in the form.
>> In the end, the Engineering Manager shall approve the job and sign.
>> Assign a serial number to the Repair Request Form for keeping reference.
>> Record all the particulars of the Break down maintenance in the Breakdown log book as per ANNEXURE-II.
>> Record the description of work and spare parts used (if any) in the log book (FRM No.: FEG/007-00).