Aseptic Sampling & Dispensing Area: The aseptic sampling and dispensing of raw materialsmust be carried out in the Laminar down Flow / Cross Flow Unit (LAF cabinet / Down FlowHood) within the dispensing room. Access to the aseptic area is permitted only via thepersonnel air lock. Only one batch at a time must be sampled or dispensed within the asepticarea.
The aseptic LAF-unit must be cleaned sanitized every day after use.
When sampling or dispensing has been completed the operator must vacuum-clean the cubicle.Package containing materials for aseptic sampling or dispensing must be sanitized beforemoving into aseptic area.
The operators must change into garments, including head and foot wear. A disposable non-linting face mask and disposable powder-free gloves must be worn.
Preferably hygiene packed glass jars or glass bottles should be used as sample container.
Once a package of containers is opened all jars or bottles must immediately be fitted with lids.Samples intended for biological analysis must be transferred into sterile sample glasscontainers. Only sterile equipment (spoons, spatulas, scoops etc.) must be used.