Access to the Aseptic area

Only authorized specially trained personnel are permitted to enter thesterile and aseptic manufacturing area. Any condition which may cause the shedding ofabnormal numbers or types of organisms (e.g. coughs, colds or any other type of infection) mustbe reported by the employee to the supervisor who will decide on suitable tasks for thatemployee Access to Sterile/Aseptic Manufacturing Area is only via the two steps personnel airlock system.

A mirror must be used to ensure that the protective garments have been put on in a completeand proper manner.

On entering the outer part of the personnel air lock the non-sterile area uniform, shoes,socks/stockings must be removed.

Hands must be thoroughly washed and then disinfected by rubbing in the disinfectantsolution/gel

Clean, sterilized socks must be put on and then enter into inner- air lock and protectivegarments must be put on in the following order

Sterilized head gear made of lint-free, non-particle sheading (100% polyester)

Sterilized face mask, non-lint type, must totally cover the nose and mouth to prevent sheddingof droplets. Touching the face mask must be avoided. If so, the hand must be thoroughlydisinfected.

After use face mask must be disposed of in a waste bin placed in the outer part of the air lock.

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